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Crypto jokes to laugh out loud

Alberto loves crypto jokes, so much so that he put together a whole book about them. Here you can find a few samples. You can also learn more about the book, of course and about where to buy it from.

Jokes, did you say you have crypto jokes?

Whether you are an owner of one of the hottest new cryptocurrencies, Elon Musk or a sceptic, cryptocurrencies have tremendous potential to make people laugh and scratch their heads at the same time. Jokes are a fun, light-hearted way to understand the world of cryptocurrencies!

Here a few that made us smile..

How do you recognise a Bitcoiner on Tinder? The profile says, "Introverted, but willing to discuss crypto".

Crypto-feminism: "I treat my men like my Bitcoins, I pump and dump them".

What is the difference between Doge and NASA? Doge is actually going to the moon.

Of course the problem is that by definition none of these crypto jokes are funny unless at least 50% of the readers laugh at them. In additon, a few may be seen as a little coindescending 😂

So there is a crypto joke book?

You can get an ebook, paperback or hardcover version of it.

The 100 funniest cryptocurrency jokes of all time will catch the attention of crypto enthusiasts and casual readers alike. This book contains more than one hundred jokes and funny stories about bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, mining and blockchain. It will have readers laughing within minutes. If you like crypto or find the subject funny, this book is for you.

And as a bonus, one last (non-crypto) cow-joke just for you ... just click here.

Some other online joke resources

Here are a few links that I found quite entertaining:

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